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Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

Oceanside High School-Wide Expectations

In accordance with PBIS universal guidelines, the PBIS expectations at Oceanside High School are designed to (1) provide a clear understanding of expected student behavior, (2) be few in number, (3) be positively stated and structured, (4) use familiar language, and (5) include example behaviors defined for purposes of instruction. These expectations are:








Oceanside High School staff will prepare graduates to demonstrate our Core Values

Pride: a feeling that you respect yourself and deserve to be respected by other people.

Students persevere through the problem-solving process.

Students believe in themselves, in their abilities, and worth.

Students show pride in themselves and their work. 

Integrity: being strong enough to do what you know is right! 

Students make the right choices with, or without, anyone watching and consistently model behaviors that contribute to our culture. 

Students can be trusted, are reliable, and show up when you need them. 

Relationships: being connected and showing acceptance of others.

Students communicate with respectful and appropriate language.

Students demonstrate understanding of the impact their behavior has on others.

Students understand their rights and respect the rights of others.

Achievement: achieving personal and community goals inside and outside the classroom.

Students take intellectual risks and show evidence of their thinking.

Students analyze problems by breaking them down and testing innovative solutions.

Students express and share emotions appropriately.

Teamwork: working with a group of people in order to achieve a goal.

Students persevere through group and individual challenges by taking risks and revising work based on feedback.

Students work positively with other students, teachers, and staff.

Excellence: the quality of being excellent or outstanding.

Students take pride in and strive for excellence in the classroom and school.

Students aspire to improve in all aspects of school and life.

Service: the action of helping or doing work for others.

Students place other students and staff members before themselves.

Students give their time and effort to serve or help their school and community.