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Advanced Placement (AP)

Oceanside High School offers a wide variety of Advanced Placement courses. As outlined by the College Board, Advanced Placement courses offer students the opportunity to take a college-level course in a high-school setting. All AP courses at OHS have been certified and audited by the College Board, and are current in their requirements and preparation.

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!

Registration for the 2025 Exams is now open! As classes get underway, teachers will be informing students about the steps they must take to set up a MyAP account on the College Board website, as well as to register and pay for their AP exams.  Students MUST have a MyAP account set up before registering or paying for their 2025 exams.  Students MUST have a MyAP account set up before registering or paying for their 2025 exams.

Oceanside High School does NOT take payment for the AP exams.  Payment is processed through APTS, an outside agency.  To connect with this agency and register/pay for your 2025 AP exams, please click on the link below.  Once you click on this link, steps will be provided for you to follow in order to register and complete payment for all of your exams. Prices are also included in this link.
Click Here to Pay for AP Exams

Students who qualify for the Free and Reduced Lunch program are eligible for a reduction to the cost of the exam. The reduction reduces the cost to $55 per exam.  Free and Reduced Lunch eligibility is determined during the Data Confirmation registration process families complete each year.  To complete the LCFF/Alternate Income Form, click here.

To receive a Fee Reduction Code, contact Asst. Principal Freddie Chavarria at  This code will be applied to the online payment form when prompted and will reduce the cost of the exam fees. Please apply for a fee reduction code no later than October 1, 2024 to ensure timely submission of your payment.



2024 AP Exam scores are now available.
Visit student AP scores website to view your score/s. 

You can send one score report for free every year that you take AP Exams. The deadline for choosing the college, university, or scholarship program that you want to send your 2024 AP scores to for free is June 20. Here’s how:

Are you heading to college in the fall? Using your free score send is the best way to make sure your college gets your AP scores in time to award you credit and/or placement.

Are you a high school junior, sophomore, or freshman? Selecting a college to send your scores to with your 1 free score send can help you stand out to that college by showing them your interest early.

Score reports include both this year's and past AP Exam scores.

If you miss the deadline to use your 2024 free score send or you want to send additional score reports, you can order score reports online or by mail or fax anytime. Learn more.


  • Sign in to My AP using your College Board username and password.
  • Go to My AP Profile and select the Score Send tab.
  • Type in the name of your college or university. When it appears on the list, select it and hit Save.


Dr. Freddie Chavarria 
Assistant Principal
AP Coordinator